Man:   The world cup starts in three weeks! It’s going to be great!

   Oh yeah, great.

   Aren’t you into the world cup then?

   Oh, I don’t mind it, I suppose. When I was younger I used to quite like watching all the fit met running around! And it is nice to get together with some friends in the pub and really get into a match. I also like the fact that this is the time when people from all over the world are excited about the same thing. It brings nations together I think.

   It starts fights between them, more like. I think it’s a great chance to see really good quality football.

   Good football? Then why do all the men I see swear at the players because they’re always slipping up? Anyway, this country never does very well.

Man:   Our problem is that we always do well against the good teams, and then we mess up when we’re playing the not-so -good ones. Anyway, the great thing about the world cup this year is that the country that’s hosting it is only one or two hours ahead of us. I’ll be able to watch loads of matches without staying up all night or missing work. I might go out for a drink with some mates and see a game on a few evenings, if you want to come.